Monday 9 September 2013

To build a business online

Where to start: find out what you want to achieve from the efforts you put in ie to earn enough to pay the credit card to earn an extra $100 $1000 per month to quit your day job what ever your reason for wanting extra money it's possible with a bit of dedication.

Think of this as a business and it will be, three steps for this business 1: register here

2: find constant source of traffic to your website = leads prospects customers 

3: collect your commission 

For traffic there are many manual surf sites and there FREE! Solo ads they work, PPC pay per click google adwords can be very effective with the right keywords, facebook twitter any social site really.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Do you want residual income...?

Can you make money online? Answer yes you can can you make residual income answer yes you can.
Only if your willing to put some effort in though oh and yes you will need to spend some money on advertising, there are a plenty of free adverts you can do here is a small idea : 

Ok I can hear you say I have no idea of how to earn online no problem if you can copy & paste your halfway there ;)

The program almost tells you everything from training videos to webinar training, how to build your business on and off line.

Please like my facebook page 

For more info on this not to be missed opportunity goto

Saturday 7 September 2013

If you can copy & paste you can do this

Are you ready for a transformation?
Life changing income?
A solid, lucrative system for making money online?
Congratulations! You are in the right place, which you’ll soon see as you read on….
Whether you are that person who is struggling to be successful in a home based business; or a seasoned, successful business builder looking for a way to take your business online; or someone looking to cut through the layers of hype, fluff and bogus information and “systems”, you will love what you find here.
Our vision at Pure Leverage is quite different than what you may have found in other companies, and other systems. We are different because we are truly committed in not only providing you with top notch products to market, sell and profit from; a lucrative pay plan where you keep most all of the profits; but also the training and mentoring you need to be successful.

We offer something that works for “the little guy”; the part timer; the stay home mom; the “non guru” who doesn’t have time to figure out complicated systems, set up and marketing.
We also offer something for the full time, home business internet marketer who wants to add a primary or additional income stream.
If you’ve looked around, or been involved in some other programs, you know what I am talking about.
The confusion, the frustration is overwhelming, and causes most people to throw up their hands in despair. Learning how to market; be an entrepreneur; and finding real success can be challenging.
We are here to change that for you and anyone looking for a change.
Here are some statistics you’ll find interesting:
Every 11 seconds, someone starts a new home based business.
Over 70 Million People earn an income in Home Based Internet and Network Marketing and Direct Sales.
Sadly, fewer than 5% people in this industry do it full time.
And the reason? Because they can’t afford to do it full time.  In the past, there just has not been enough time in the day to work a full time job, care for a family and other obligations and then try to build a side business and create the income needed to quit the job.
The reality is, many of the “old methods” of building a leveraged income takes way too long. Calling family and friends; begging people who have no interest to take a look; scheduling home meetings and constantly looking for new people to show your business to – it’s a long, slow, painful process.
Not any more!
The internet changed everything.
With over 3 million people a DAY logging on and looking for a way to make money, doesn’t it make sense to put yourself out there, with your business, so that some of those people can find you?
Our #1 priority is to help you grow and prosper; not only financially, but personally, and give you the ability to not only create positive change in your own life, but also the lives of others, all around the globe.
We’ve built our system around the average, normal, non-guru individual, who wants to learn how to make an income, online, without home parties, hotel meetings, grinding it out on the phones, calling leads and people who aren’t really interested or motivated.
As you plug into our system, follow our training, you are going to find the success you are looking for.
What are those things that every successful online business owner needs?
A blog or website – we offer you a turn key blogging platform, pre-formatted and ready to go; integrated with social media marketing components
Lead Capture – you’ll get a fully functional lead capture system, pre-configured with sales letters that convert and sell!
Marketing training – no business succeeds without marketing; you’ll get world class marketing training on how to attract leads and prospects; connect with them and convert them to paid sales!
Leadership and Mindset Training – becoming an entrepreneur is a skill set you can learn, and we will teach you how to lead and succeed!
Products to Sell – You will earn a very lucrative income marketing the Pure Leverage system and products; or sell your own or other products and services right from the Pure Leverage Platform.
So, there you have it – a turn key system and the training to be successful.

And, do you know what one of the #1 selling products is online right now? Information Products – the “how to’s” for doing different things. And, what is one of the top selling information products? How to Make Money….
Guess what we sell here at Pure Leverage? Along with the tools to run an online business, we offer the “How To Make Money” Information Products…
Maybe you have already been successful building a business, whether in Network Marketing, Direct Sales, Internet Marketing, or whatever,. And, maybe you have been frustrated because you’ve had a hard time helping your team actually make money, too.
It is one thing to live the home business lifestyle, without a boss, a job or an alarm clock; it’s another thing to live the INTERNET lifestyle – where automated income and truly making money while you sleep is a reality. out more click here